Embark on our two-year transformative journey encompassing six distinct retreats. Please note, these retreats are integral parts of the program and are not available for individual booking.
In our second to last retreat, Tara carefully leads students as they delve into the soul's profound experiences and challenges in our earthly journey, addressing its encounters with pain, brokenness, and the quest for genuine soul care. With this focus on tender topics, students are invited to love more deeply.
Facing challenging issues that affect your spiritual life? Struggling how to process grief and loss as an authentic individual? Learn the importance of lament in soul care at our Critical Issues in the Care of the Soul retreat.
Every retreat week has the same rhythm. We begin each day with Fixed-Hour prayer and Lectio Divina, and spend the remainder of the morning receiving input on our theme. After lunch there is ample time until dinner to practice Silence and Solitude followed by time in the Listening Groups and ending each day with Vespers. From the first retreat to the last one, this rhythm establishes a pattern of engagement and disengagement, a healthy way to live.
In our fast-paced, often noisy world, by deliberately choosing silence, we create space to hear, and listen to the voice of God that often goes unheard amidst the clamor. Solitude, in turn, allows us to be present with our thoughts and feelings, free from external distractions. During every retreat, students afternoons are for practicing this sacred rhythm of life, offering a path to ponder what was taught in the morning session and their own reflections.
Reflection papers are a vital component of our retreat experience at the Soul Care Institute. As part of our retreat, each student is paired with a reading companion who reads their reflection papers. By sharing their written reflections, students not only see their own insights, they also benefit from their reading companions insights too. These papers serve as both curriculum milestones and personal beacon, showing the student where they've been and illuminating the path ahead of them on the journey as well.
Included in the curated collection of stimulating reads we've chosen for our students, here are some to nurture your spirit and deepen your understanding of soul care. Our desire is not that everyone agrees with what they are reading, but that they reflect on and learn from each one.
Tara was born in Montreal to British parents who moved to Canada for a better life for their growing family. Canadian by birth and British by blood, she has also lived in Raleigh, North Carolina; Washington, DC; Arlington, Virginia and, now, Colorado Springs, Colorado.Tara discerned the call to spiritual direction while completing her Masters of Theological Studies in Spiritual Formation at Tyndale Seminary in Toronto. Like many spiritual directors, she was captured by the incredible privilege it is to companion someone as they discern the voice of the Loving Creator in their lives.
Now accepting applications for Cohorts 15 and 16.
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