Our Vision

The Invitation

Soul care has long held a central place for followers of Jesus and is sparking renewed interest in our day. The current generation of Jesus followers has grown weary of the struggle to keep up with cultural expectations while longing to live a life devoted to God. This lack of integration has left many questioning what it truly means to follow Jesus.

In a society that often reduces individuals to mere performance statistics or labels, it can be easy to lose sight of the inherent value and dignity of every human being. Yet, amidst this dehumanizing landscape, we remain solid in our belief that each person is deserving of respect and compassion. We reject the lies that attempt to define or diminish you, and instead affirm that you are of immense worth and a beloved child of God. We envision a world where individuals are seen and valued for who they truly are, and where communities are marked by wholeness.

"The rhythms we were introduced to quieted my spirit. At the end of each retreat, I didn't want to leave and go back to my life. It wasn't until the last retreat that I finally felt I would be okay. I needed every minute of those two years."

Niecy LoCricchio

We believe

A transformed life lies at the core of life in Christ. It's the heart of God and it's the vision of the Soul Care Institute to see a world fully alive in Christ.

By decluttering our lives and creating space for God, we open ourselves to the power of God's presence. At the Soul Care Institute, we create space to slow down, reflect, and encounter God in deep ways.

"Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." - Matthew 11:28-30 MSG

The invitation is for everybody. Jesus addresses the medical worker, the high school teacher, the farmer, the entrepreneur, the priest, the poor, and the rich. Jesus welcomes everyone. The invitation is to come.

the dandelion

The Soul Care Institute Symbol

Designed by Mike Rowe in 2023, the dandelion, resilient and prolific, thrives worldwide, a testament to its adaptability. This small flower reminds us of learning to care for the soul so we can grow and flourish even in the harshest conditions. From the ancients who admired its medicinal benefits to its deep-reaching taproot growing stronger every year, the dandelion holds tales of resilience and transformation. And just as it spreads its seeds with abandon when mature, the Soul Care Institute extends the message of soul care, letting it take root wherever it lands. One of our favorite discoveries of the dandelion is that it was the inspiration behind the writing of the song, "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus."

What we do

We specialize in retreats that engage the whole person.

Whether you join a cohort on the two-year journey, engage with a group of friends in a weekend away, or go on a one-day personal adventure for your soul, you can trust knowing you'll have good guides to help you along the way. Let us create space for you to care for the one and only you.

2-Year Soul Care Institute

Our signature immersive two-year retreat with a cohort of individuals

Weekend Retreats

Tailored for any group up to 25 -hosted by Soul Care Institute staff

1-Day Retreats

Customized retreats, ideal for personal and team development

Support the ministry

Your contribution is transformative in the journey of soul care, guiding individuals towards authentic encounters with God and themselves.